Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Henry 2K Classic RF Linear Amplifier is a floor console with 2000 watt PEP input and 1200 watt PEP nominal output. It covers 3.5 MHz-30 MHz, 80-10 meters. It can be used for SSB/AM/CW or RTTY. It uses two 3-500Z/8802 finals. It has a forced air cooling fan, which many say is quite noisy. This amp is heavy…takes two and a half men to move! You generally only see these heavy duty amps being sold as “pickup only”, if you can find one for sale! I read where one guy is still using his after 20 years, and others who regret having sold theirs…because it makes lots of wattsJ The amp in the picture is one I bought in an estate sale last year. It puts out between 1400 and 1600 watts PEP on 80-10 meters including the WARC Bands.

Link to free pdf manual

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